This user manual helps you to explore and understand the functioning of the Heavy Vehicle Inspection Management Portal (HVIMP). This user manual covers everything in a step-by-step layout so that you can quickly understand how it works. Starting from the Dashboard to the menu bar to account management, everything has been explained/demonstrated with related images/diagrams to make learning easier and quicker.
Exploring the Dashboard
The Dashboard appears as the first screen after a successful login. It provides you a quick overview of “Vehicle Status,” “Overall Inspection Summary,” “Work Order Summary,” and “Upcoming Schedule.”
Menu Bar
The Menu Bar is available in the left-hand side on the dashboard, as shown in the following image:

Show/Hide Menu Bar
If you are working on a small screen and need more space to work in the portal, then you can hide the menu bar in just one click. And, once the work is completed, you can show the menu bar again.
To hide the menu bar, click on the dashboard and the menu bar will become hidden, giving you more space for work, as shown in the following image:

The Inspection menu provides you a quick history of the inspections done. Not only this but also you get several options such as vehicle filter, download inspection report, and so on.
View Inspection History
Perform the below steps to view inspection history:

Inspection history appears as:

Start New Inspection
Perform the below steps to Start new inspection :
Inspection menu appears :

Click on "Inspection Report" , All inspections History page will open

Now, Click on the Start New Inspection button. To Create New Inspection it will open new screen for inspection

After clicking on Start New Inspection Inspection page will open
Step 1: DO Inspection screen will appear .
Fill details Inspector Name, Location

After tapping on Vehicle Number column, Vehicle list pop up, then Select Vehicle on which inspection needed to perform.

Select Inspection Form : Tap on Select Inspection Form , Inspection form screen will appear, Tap on any inspection from or serach on which inspection is going to perform.

After filling "Inspection Info" Tap on Next Button

Do Inspection screen will open for user to conduct inspection on selected Form

Step 2. Choose Item Condition, Add Image and Notes to Inspection item Window and click on Done

After conducting inspection on all items click on Inspection Completed

Inspection Summary will open after conducting inspection Fill all required data tan tap on Generate Report.

The inspection report will be generated and appears in Inspection history.
Search/Filter Vehicle
The Search/Filter Vehicle option is helpful when you have a big list of inspection jobs, and from that, you need to find one vehicle to check its report quickly. There are many ways to filter the inspection list, for example, you can use vehicle number, inspection date, vehicle name, etc. to filter the vehicles’ list. In addition, there are several pre-defined filters given from which you can select one, and based on that the portal will display the available vehicles.
Perform the below steps to use the Search/Filter Vehicle option:
inspection history will appear. Type a search query in the Search field

Or by clicking the Search glass icon, a vehicle list appears in a dialog box tap on Select button in front vehicle name to see all inspection for that particular vehicle.

Sort Vehicle
Near the search field , there is a sort option available.

click on sort option, dialogue box will appear,

Users can sort inspection reports by multiple option available in Sort By dilog box.
Archive Inspection
In the Archive Inspection option you can find all archive inspections reports. for access these reports follow these steps.

Excel Report
View Vehicle Inspection Report
Perform the below steps to view inspection history:

Inspection history appears as:

Click on the Action button, more options will be available.

Click on View button , The detailed inspection report appears, as shown in the following image:

Download Inspection Report
Perform the below steps to download the vehicle inspection report:
Click the Download button

Delete Inspection Report
Perform the below steps to delete the vehicle inspection report:
Click on the Delete button:

Click the Delete button:

Report will be deleted
Create Work Order
Perform the below steps to create a work order from Inspection

Fill the work order details:

Click the Create Work Order button:

A work order will be created successfully and can be seen listed in the Work Order menu. Click here to navigate to the Work Order section for more details.
Operator Daily Reporting
The Operator Daily Reporting menu provides you a quick history of the operators report along with their comments about the inspection conducted. It helps you get daily as well as weekly reporting of the vehicle. In addition to this, you get several options such as vehicle filter, download report, view report details, and delete the report.
View Operator Daily Reporting History
Perform the below steps to view the history:

The all operator daily report appears in the right-hand side:

Search/Filter Vehicle
The Search/Filter Vehicle option is helpful when you have a big list of reports in history, and from that, you need to quickly find one vehicle to check its report. The Search Vehicle filter provides you a few ways to filter the inspection list, for example, you can use vehicle number, inspection date, vehicle name, etc. to filter the reports for the required vehicle.
Perform the below steps to use the Search/Filter Vehicle option:

The Operator Daily Reporting appears, in the right-hand side:
Type a search query in the Search field and press the Enter key to filter the list:

When you press the Enter key or click the Search glass icon, a filtered list appears in a dialog box:
View Detailed Daily Inspection Report
Click Action before the report and select View:

The detailed report appears in a dialog box:

Download Detailed Daily Inspection Report
Click the Download [] icon at the end of the column for the report that you need to download:

Delete Detailed Daily Inspection Report
Perform the below steps to view the history:

The all operator daily report appears in the right-hand side:

Click Action before the report and select Delete:

An alert message appears. Click the Delete button to confirm the action.

The report will be deleted.
Reminder is useful to set reminder for long term inspection required by govt or company policy so user could not forget about important compliance inspection. Set remider for one time and app will notify you before the inspection is required. Just with one tap you are ready with your compliance documents. User will Get Inspection Reminder Notification On Mobile application.

All Reminder List will be available on the right side.

Create Reminder
To add a new Reminder, Click on Create Reminder Button.

The Add Reminder screen will appear, fill all details and click on Add.

Click on Set Reminder, Reminder will be added in the List.
Fields | Description |
Title: | Add suitable Title for reminder. |
Vehicle Number: | Click the Pick button next to this filed and select a vehicle. |
Note: | Add Note and Remark here. |
Inspection Form: | Select Inspection Form from Inspection Form List. |
Type: | There are two type of Inspection reminder 1. Duration 2. Meter Reading |
Duration: | Fill Information :Inspection Start date, Select Repetition Interval and How many times you want to get notification Reminder. |
Meter Reading: | Fill Information Last Meter reading, Repeat Interval and repetition time. |
Search Reminder
To search any reminder from list follow below steps:

Type a search query in the Search field and press the Enter key to filter the list:

Update Reminder
To Edit reminder detail, click on Action icon right side of the Reminder, select Update.

Update Reminder screen will appear. Edit Detail and click on Update.

User data will be updated and saved
Delete Reminder
Click On Action Button, Right side of the Reminder. Tap on delete.

Then, Alert Message will appear on the screen, click on yes to delete the Reminder.

Work Order
The Work Order menu provides you with the options to view the work order history, create and manage work orders, and filter work orders from an extensive list of work orders.
View Work Order History
Perform the below steps to view work order history:

The all Work Order list will be appears:

Search/Filter Work Order
The Search/Filter Work Order option is helpful when you have a big list of work orders, and from that, you need to find one work order quickly. There are many ways to filter the work orders list, for example, you can use vehicle number, vehicle name, etc. to filter the list. In addition, there are several pre-defined filters given from which you can select one and based on that the portal will display the available work orders.
Perform the below steps to view work order history:

The all Work Order list will be appears:

Type a search query in the Search field and press the Enter key to filter the list:

When you press the Enter key or click the Search glass icon, a filtered list appears in a dialog box:
Sort Workorder
Near the search field , there is a sort option available .

click on sort option , dialogue box will appear ,

Users can sort Work Order by WO Number, vehicle no, Status, Priority etc.
Filter WorkorderThere is an icon near sort Icon, from this option user can filter the work order History. Users can filter the work order by different predefined options Postponed, Initiated, On hold, etc.

Create Work Order
Click the Create Workorder button:

The Work Order history appears:

Click the Create Workorder button:

The “Create Work Order” screen appears:

Detail overview of every feature of Create Work Order.
Work Order Detail
Work Order details collect data information about the Vehicle,Assigend Workers, Planning Details etc.

Fields | Description |
Work Order Number: | It is a unique number which is automatically assigned by the portal. We suggest that you to do not change this number. |
Title: | Title for the work order |
Memo: | Memo details for the work order |
Priority | Click the drop-down arrow and select the work order priority from the available options, which are Normal, Low, Medium, High, and Emergency. |
Assign to: | Assign employee to particular workorder or task. |
Workorder Type | Select type of work order from drop down list. |
Link Inspection | Link inspection to maintain detail for the work order |
Link Workorder | Link Workorder to maintain detail for the work order |
Vehicle Number | Click the Pick button next to this filed and select a vehicle. |
Start Date | Select Start date for the workorder. |
Due Date | Select Due date for the workorder. |
Estimated Cost | Enter estimated cost to track the how much over or less spent on particular work order. |
Estimated Time | Enter estimated time to track the how much over or less time taken on particular work order. |
Work Order Task Detail
The Add Task menu provides you with the options to Add the "Replace/Reapair" work order task.
All the faults which are from Inspection Report related will automatically add here.

By tapping on Add button option user can add task manually
Fill all the Details and click on add.

Fault List : Click on fault List ,Fault List will open related to vehicle, Select Faults and click on select.

All selected task will be added in Task Section.
Work Order Parts Detail
The Parts and Material menu provides options to add parts using in particular workorder.

To Add Inventory Parts Item click on Add. Parts Item screen will appear on screen.

click on Select, Parts will added in parts and material details.
Add Non inventory Parts Item:To add Non inventory parts Item click on right Down Button on Select Parts.

Add Non Inventory Screen will appear add All details and click on Add.

Scan: Parts Can be Add by Scan method also User need to add parts inventory item Nuber with the same QR/Bar code. click on scan, scan screen appear on the screen, scan the part no. and part will be added in the list.

Work Order Labor Detail
The Labor Deatail menu provides you with the options to Add the labor .

Enter labor detail by click on Add, Add labor detail screen will appear on screen.
Select Labor From Drop down Menu and Fill all the details and click on Add. labor will add in Labor section.

Work Order Remarks
The Remark menu provides you with the options to Add the Remark or note in work Order.
User can Add remark if any, Remark Screen will appear on the screen.

Click on Add, and Remark will added to the Work order.

Work Order Attchments
The Attachment menu provides you with the options to Add the Attachment in work order.

Users can upload other attachments ex: Invoice, Purchase order, Quotation etc from the device. click on add, attachment screen will appear on screen.

Work Order Additional Cost
The Additional Cost menu provides you with the options to Add extra cost in work order.
To add any additional cost, click on add,

Add additional cost screen will appear add cost and description and click on Add.

View Work Order Details
Perform the below steps to view work order history:

The all Work Order list will be appears:

Click Action before the work order and select View:

The details of the selected work order appear in a dialog box:

Delete a Work Order
Perform the below steps to view work order history:

The all Work Order list will be appears:

Click Action before the work order and select Delete:

An alert message appears. Click the Delete button to confirm the action.

Share Work Order
Click on the Work order which you need to share, Click on the Action button, more options will be available.
Click On Share

A Sharing window will open, user can simply choose Team member email or type Email id. Workorder Report Will be shared by click on 'Share'.

Or choose Cancel to go back to work order screen
Archive/Unarchive Work Order
Click on the Action button on work order which you need to Archive.

After confirmation Alert dialogue box will pop uo on screen, click on Archive to confirm or cancel to not, After confirmation your workorder report will be moved to Archive Section.

Update Work Order
Perform the below steps to view work order history:

The all Work Order list will be appears:

Click Action button for the work order and select Update:

Update screen for selected work order will be opened and user can make the required updates in the work order:

After updating workorder click on Update Work Order button once the changes have been made:

changes will save to work order
Worker Dashboard of Work Order
Click Action before the work order and tap on Worker Dashboard

Worker Dashboard screen will appear.

User is able to add or update wororder details from here aslo.
Request Work Order
The Request menu provides you with the options to create and manage work orders, admin or approver can accept or reject the work order Request.
View Work Order Request
Perform the below steps to view work order history:

Search Work Order Request
The Search option is helpful when you have a big list of Request work orders, and from that, you need to quickly find one work order. Perform the below steps to use the Search option:

The Work Order history appears. Type a search query in the Search field and press the Enter key to filter the list:
When you press the Enter key or click the Search glass icon, a filtered list appears in a dialog box:

You will see the work order details of the Search Query .
Create Work Order Request
Perform the below steps to view work order history:

Work order request screen will appear on the right side. Click on Create Request

After, it fill all details and click on Create Request.

Your request will be created and it will be available to Approver of user company.
View/Approve Work Order Request
Click on action icon before request work order, click on View and approve .

Work order screen will appear on the screen with following options :

Update Work Order Request
Click on action icon before request work order, click on Update .

Update Request screen will appear on the screen .

Edit details in the Update Request section and click on Update Request. New changes will apply to the work order Request.
Delete Work Order Request
Click on Action button before work order request , select Delete .

To delete the work order Request, click on delete, alert message appear on the screen, click on Delete.

The Schedule menu provides you with the options to view the available schedules created for the maintenance of vehicles. In addition, you are allowed to create, manage, and filter schedules.
View Schedules
Perform the below steps to view the history:

The Schedule page appears, displaying the available vehicle inspection schedule:

Search/Filter Schedule
The Search/Filter Schedule option is helpful when you have a big list of inspection schedules, and from that, you need to find one schedule quickly. There are many ways to filter the schedule list, for example, you can use vehicle number, vehicle name, etc.
Perform the below steps to view the history:

The Schedule page appears, displaying the available vehicle inspection schedule:

Type a search query in the Select Vehicle field and press the Enter key to filter the list:

When you press the Enter key or click the Search glass icon, a filtered list appears in a dialog box: You will see the schedule details of the selected vehicle.
Create Schedule
Perform the below steps to view the history:

The Schedule page appears, displaying the available vehicle inspection schedule:

Click the Create Schedule button:

The Add Schedule screen appears:

Enter all necessary details in the Add Schedule Screen and tap on Set Schedule
Fields | Description |
Schedule ID: | It is a unique number which is automatically assigned by the portal. We suggest you to do not change this number. |
Schedule Title: | Type the title for schedule |
Vehicle Number | Click the Select button next to this filed and select a vehicle. |
Vehicle Name | Type name of the vehicle. |
Last service Meter Reading : | Enter last service Meter reading. |
Last service Date : | Enter last service Date of vehicle. |
Note | Type a personalized note about the schedule. |
Repeat Type | Select a schedule type i.e. if the schedule is set for Repeat daily or One TIme . In ‘Repeat’ option users can select intervals according to Miles or according to Days, Week, Month & Year. |
Add task for work order | Add the task items for the maintenance schedule. |
Notify Before: | Enter Miles and Time Duration , user will get notification according to this data. |
Update a Schedule
Perform the below steps to view the history:

The Schedule page appears, displaying the available vehicle inspection schedule:

Click Action before the schedule and select Update:

Make the required changes in the schedule:

Click the Update button to save the changes.
Complete a Schedule
Click On Action Button, select Mark as completed
Dialogue box will appear on the screen .

Enter Vehicle Meter Reading and completed date on which the vehicle schedule or wordorder is completed, and click on Complete.
Schedule will move to the Completed Section, and a new Schedule will create in schedules.
View Completed a Schedule
All schedule Which are Mark as Completed, are available in Completed Schedule section .

Inactive a Schedule
To mark as Inactive, click on Inactive Button.

Schedule status changed to Inactive, and in Action Button it is changed to Active.

Active a Schedule
To Active the schedule click on Active, schedule status changed to normal (overdue or Due soon).

Delete a Schedule
Perform the below steps to view the history:

The Schedule page appears, displaying the available vehicle inspection schedule:

Click Action before the schedule and select Delete:

An alert message appears. Click Yes to delete the schedule:

Delete the Schedule Tap on "Yes" to confirm delete or else "No".
Incident Report
The Incident Report menu provides you with the options to view the available incident reports and download the required report.
View all Incident Reports
Perform the below steps to view the history:

The Incident Report page appears, displaying the available reports:

Search/Filter an Incident Report
The Search/Filter Schedule option is helpful when you have a big list of incident reports, and from that, you need to find one report quickly. There are many ways to filter the reports list, for example, you can use an incident number, incident date, incident time, vehicle number, vehicle name, etc.

When you press the Enter key or click the Search glass icon, a filtered list appears in a dialog box:

Download an Incident Report
Click the Download button next to the incident to download its report:

The report will appear in a new tab. You can save this report on your system as a PDF file or can take its print out.
Vehicle Inventory
The Vehicle Inventory menu provides you with the options to view the inventory of the vehicles that are already added in your system, add more vehicles manually, upload a list of vehicles using a CSV file, update details of a vehicle, and delete an inventory from your system.
View the Available Inventory
Perform the below steps to view the history:

The Vehicle Inventory page appears, displaying the available Vehicle Inventory:

Add Vehicle Data Manually
Perform the below steps to view the history:

The Vehicle Inventory page appears:

Click on Add new Vehicle

Fill all the details and Click on Add vehicle Button. vehicle will add in Vehicle Inventory List.
Fields | Description |
Vehicle Category: | Enter the category of the vehicle. |
Vehicle Number: | Enter the number of the vehicle. |
Vehicle Name: | Type name of the vehicle. |
VIN: | Enter the VIN i.e. Vehicle Incident Number. |
Meter Reading: | Enter meter reading of the vehicle. |
Model/Year: | Enter the model and year of the vehicle. |
Status: | Click the drop-down arrow and select a status of the vehicle. |
Purchase Date: | Select the purchase date of the vehicle. |
Warranty Date: | Select the warranty date of the vehicle. |
Maintenance priority: | Click the drop-down arrow and select the required maintenance priority. |
Ownership mode: | Click the drop-down arrow and select the ownership mode of the vehicle. |
Operator Name: | Enter the name of the operator who collected this information for the inventory |
Created By: | Enter the name of the operator who created this inventory. |
Upload Vehicle Data using a CSV
Click the Bulk Upload button and Choose to download a sample CSV file based on which you will need to add an actual CSV file of the Vehicle inventory for upload in the system.

Once your CSV file is ready, click theBulk Upload button and choose Upload CSV button.

Click the Browse button to select your CSV file from computer storeage.

Once the CSV file is selected, click the Upload Data button.

Search/Filter Data of a Vehicle
Type a search query in the Enter Vehicle Number field and click the Search button.

Sort a Vehicles
Near the search field, there is a sort option available. Click on sort option icon, dialogue box will appear,

Users have the option to sort By Vehicle Number, Vehicle Name, Category, Status Etc.
Update Details of a Vehicle
Click Action before the vehicle number and select Update:

Make the required changes:
Click the Update button to save the changes.

Delete Details of a Vehicle
Click Action before the vehicle number and select Delete:

An alert message appears. Click Yes to delete the details of the selected vehicle from the inventory:

Parts Inventory
The Parts Inventory menu provides you with the options to view the inventory of the parts that are already added in your system, add more parts manually, upload a list of parts using a CSV file, update details of a part, and delete a part from the inventory.
View Parts Inventory
Perform the below steps to view the existing inventory of the parts:

The Parts Inventory page appears, displaying the available inventory:

Add Parts Inventory
Perform the below steps to view the existing inventory of the parts:

Click on Add Parts Item

Add parts Item screen will open, fill all details and click On ADD .

parts will add in Parts Inventory.

Update Parts Inventory
Go to Action Icon, left side of the parts inventory and tap on it.
click on the action icon and select Edit Button .

Update Parts Item screen will aprrear for that particular part

After Updating parts information tap on Update button. Your data will be saved
Upload Bulk Parts Inventory using CSV
Click the Sample CSV button to download a sample CSV file based on which you will need to create an actual CSV file of the parts inventory for upload in the system.

Once your CSV file is ready, click the Upload CSV button.

Click the Browse button to select your CSV file.

Once the CSV file is selected, click the Upload Data button.

Search Parts Inventory

Type a search query in the Search field and press the Enter key to filter the list:
When you press the Enter key or click the Search glass icon, a filtered list appears in a dialog box:

Sort Parts Inventory
Near the search field , there is a sort option available .

click on sort option, dialogue box will appear ,

User has the option to sort By Item Number, Item Name, Description, Quantity etc.
Delete Parts
Click in a column for the part that you want to delete.
Click the Delete button.

An alert message appears. Click Delete to delete the selected part from the inventory:

Fuel Management
The Fuel Logger menu provides you with the Fuel log for different vehicles in which fuel has been filled. Moreover, you can download the fuel receipt as a jpg file, which you can also print.
The Fuel Management menu provides you with the options to view the Fuel Logger history, create and manage Fuel Bunker & Trucks.
In fuel Management We have Two Sections

Fuel Logger
All the Fuel Log entry recorded by user/labor/driver from Bunker, Trucks and outstation appear here . Users have the option to Search, Sort and Download Fuel Log records.
View Fuel Logger
Login to the portal.
Click Fuel Management in the left-side menu
Select Fuel Logger

Fuel Log History will appear on the right side .

Tap on Action Button and select View

All details related to that particula fuel log will be available in View Fuel Log box.

Search Fuel Logger
The Search/Filter Fuel Log option is helpful when you have a big list of Fuel Log Records , and from that, you need to quickly find one record. There are many ways to filter the fuel Log, for example, you can use vehicle number, vehicle name, Fuel Qty , Fuel Cost etc. to filter the list.
In addition, there are several predefined filters given from which you can select one and based on that, the portal will display the available Fuel Log records .
Perform the below steps to use the Search/Filter fuel Log option:
Login to the portal.
Click Fuel Management in the left-side menu
Select Fuel Logger

Fuel Log History will appear on the right side .

Type a search query in the Search field and press the Enter key to filter the list:

You will see the Fuel Log detail according to the search query.
Sort Fuel Loggers
Near the search field, there is a sort option available. From This option users can sort their Fuel Log History with different options, Vehicle Number, Vehicle Name, Filling date, Fuel Qty, Fuel cost etc.

click on sort option , dialogue box will appear ,

User can Sort Fuel Log History by Vehicle Number, Vehicle Date, Filling date, Fuel cost etc.
View Checklist
Tap on Action Button and select Delete

Then a confirmation alert box will pop up and select "Yes" for delete selected record or else "No"

Fuel Bunker
The Fuel Bunker Option provides you options to Add and manage Fuel Bunker, fuel Truck And their filling option.
From the Fuel bunker option User can create and fill new bunkers and trucks.
Login to the portal.
Click Fuel Management in the left-side menu
Select Fuel Bunker

Add Fuel Bunker
For creating or adding a new Fuel Bunker perfom below steps
Tap on Add New Fuel Bunker

Add fuel Bunker screen will open, fill all details and Click on Add fuel Bunker.

User new fuel bunker will be added. Now, user need to fill the quantity available in the bunker.
Refill Fuel Bunker
With this option, the user can Refill the tank. Go to the Tank, Click on Action Button on the left side of the tank. Multiple options will appear Tank Refill, adjustment and Edit.
This option provide user to Refill the tank, click on Refill tank, Tank Refilling screen will appear. Fill all the details and click on Add fuel.

This fuel Details will appear in the fuel level ,Current Fuel quantity, Fuel cost column.
Adjust Fuel Bunker
This feature provides option to the user for adjusting the values if by mistake they have added wrong values while refilling the Fuel Bunker.
Follow below steps to adjust the wrong added value for the tanks

Adjustment window will appear on the screen. fill Adjust value and new value will be automatically set. To save the value Click on save.

Adjust History of Fuel Bunker
For checking the details of old or new adjustments made by team members/user it will be available in Adujstment History

Update Fuel Bunker
If user want to update the tank size and details of pre added tank user can update it with edit feature available in fuel tank.
Perform below steps to Update Fuel Tank details

User can edit details and tap on Update to save all the changes made by user

Add Fuel Truck
For creating or adding a new Fuel Truck perfom below steps
Tap on Add New Fuel Truck

Add fuel truck screen will open, fill all details and Click on Add fuel Truck.

User new fuel truck will be added. Now, user need to fill the quantity available in the truck.
Refill Fuel Truck
Fuel truck is connected to Fuel Tank they will be refilled only from Fuel Tank so user need to selct the source tank from which it is being filled.
After selcing the source Fill the quantity adding in the Truck

This fuel Details will appear in the fuel level ,Current Fuel quantity, Fuel cost column.
Update Fuel Truck
If user want to update the tank size and details of pre added tank user can update it with edit feature available in fuel tank.
Perform below steps to Update Fuel Tank details

User can edit details and tap on Update to save all the changes made by user

Labor Code
This option provides users to add labor code details, their role, hourly wages and description.It helps to manage cost of labour as per time labor given to work. Labor code use in the work order calculation. Users can access labor code directly from here.
Go to Portal
Go to Dashboard menu and select Labor Code .

All labor code will be available on the right side.

Add Labor Code
To add new Labor code, click on Add labor Code .

Add a labor code screen will appear, fill all details and click on Add

labor code will be added in the labor code list and can be added or updated in work order for any labor.
Update Labor Code
To update labor Code and it's detail, Click on edit icon right side of the labor code.

Update labor code screen will pop up. User can edit Hourly rates and description.

click on update to save the changes.
Search Labor Code
Perform the below steps to use the Search/Filter Parts option:
Go to Portal
Go to Dashboard menu and select Labor Code .

All labor code will be available on the right side.

Type a search query in the Search field and press the Enter key to filter the list:

Delete Labor Code
To Delete the Labor code, Click on delete button right side of the labor code.

Click on Delete Button , Alert Message will appear on the screen, Click on Yes to delete the labor Code.

Fault List
Fault list is basically the feature where all the faults thart are finding from inspection or added maually are managed. User can see the details like how many faults occur on which vehicle and what are the staeps taken on it.
This option provides users to add or Search Fault details, All the Faults which are Inspected from the Inspection report Automatically added in the Fault List.

All fault List will be available on the right side.

Add Fault
To add new fault, click on Add Fault.

Add Fault screen will be avaialbe fill all required details. and tap on Add to sace fault in list.

Fault will add in the list.
Update Fault
To Update Fault details, Click on edit icon right side of the fault. Update fault screen will appear.

After updating all necessary data for fault tap on Update and your data will be updated for that particular selected record.

Search Fault
Perform below steps to search fault in fault list

All fault List will be available on the right side.

Type a search query in the Search field and press the Enter key to filter the list:

Delete Fault
Perform below steps to search fault in fault list

All fault List will be available on the right side.

To Delete the Fault, Click on delete button on the right side of the fault.

Then, delete confirmation box will pop up and tap on "Yes" to coinfirm delete or else tap on "No"

Analytics Report screen will appear on the right side .
Reports are basically avdanced KPI's for getting whole information about what is going on there company and equipemnts lifecycle.
All Reports are available here usere can download it for any particular time instance.

Users can download Inspection, Work order, Operator daily Reporting, Fuel Log, Fuel Bunker History, vehicle and Parts Consumption Report in Excel Format.

User has option to select Start Date to End Date and Tap on Excel Export it will download report for that particular time period.
User Management
The User Management menu provides you with the option to add, update, delete, and view the users.
View the Existing List of Users
Perform the below steps to view existing users:

The User Management List page appears, displaying the available users:

Add a New User
The User Management List page appears, providing you the option to add a new user tap on Add Team member:

“Add team member” screen will appear.

Setup all details for the user creating. and Click on Add team Member, new Team member will be added to the List.
Fields | Description |
Role: | Select role for user to be. |
Name: | Type name of the user. |
User ID | Enter the user’s mobile number, email ID or any unique group of alphanumeric characters. |
Password | Enter a password for the user account. (Must be equal or more than 6 digits or charachters) |
Notification Email | Enter a email for the user account. All teh notification will be sent over this email for particular user. |
User Block | Click the drop-down arrow and select if the user’s account is activated or blocked. |
User Access Area | Click the drop-down arrow and select the check boxes to allow user’s access to different areas. |
Assigned Vehicle | Assign related vehicle to user. By this user can only see the information related to that particular vehicle assigned to him |
Update the Details of a User
Go to the Action Menu to the right side of the User. Select Edit .

Make the required changes. If you want to update the assigned vehicle as well, then click the Select button next to the Assigned Vehicle box and add or remove vehicle from list
Click the Update button, After making the all necessary changes

Delete a User
This menu option provides you the option to Delete the user.
Go to action Icon before the user detail, select Delete.

Click the delete button, to remove the user from you user management
Tap on "Delete" to confirm you want to delete.